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Perilaku Konsumen Remaja Menggunakan Produk Fashion Bermerek Ditinjau Dari Kepercayaan Diri

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Senin, 22 April 2013

Wahyu Pranoto dan Iranita Hervi Mahardayani


This study aims to empirically examine the relationship  between consumer behavior of teenagers using branded fashion products with confidence.  In  this  study  the  subjects  of research  is  student  in  the  Muria Kudus University, with a purposive sampling based sampling that samples with characteristics of teenagers  using branded fashion  products. Measuring instrument used to obtain the data is scale  consumer  behavior  teenagers  use fashion branded products and the confidence scale.

The  results  obtained  from  both  the correlation coefficient rxy of 0.433 with p of 0.000 (p  <0.050), this  means there  is  a significant positive relationship on teenagers consumer behavior using branded fashion products with confidence. So the hypothesis accepted.  Teenagers  consumer  behavior using branded fashion product and confidence gained  on  medium  category.  Effective contribution  to  the  behavior  variable  of consumer confidence at 43.3%.
Keywords:  consumer  behavior  and confidence

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