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Hubungan Antara Job demands Dengan Workplace Well-being Pada Pekerja Shift

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Wanda Irawan Anwarsyah, Alice Salendu, dan Tulus Budi Sulistyo Radikun


This  study  focused  on  the  relationship  between job  demands with workplace well-being on shift workers  in  a  company  engaged  in manufacturing  plastic  packaging  production.  Previous  research  has  not much  to  explain  the  relationship  between  two  variables,  especially  in Indonesia,  and  its  application  in shift workers.Workplace well-being is defined as a sense of prosperity gained workers from their jobs, as measured through  the Workplace Well-being Index  (WWBI)  (Page,  2005). Job demands,  which  is  explained  by  the  type  of quantitative  demands in  this study, is defined as something that relates directly to the amount of work to be  done  and  a  major  source  of  stress  (Kristensen,  Bjorner,  Christensen,  & Borg, 2004), as measured by quantitative questionnaires job demands in the Indonesian  Quality  of  Work  Life  Questionnaire  (IQWiQ)  (Radikun,  2010). The  sample  in  this  study  included  155shift workers  using  accidental sampling. The analysis showed that there was a Significant  negative  relationship  between job  demands with workplace well-being on shift workers (r =-0221, p <0.05, one-tailed). From the  research,  companies  are  advised  to  review  the  current  number  of workers  with  production  targets  that  must  be  produced,  an  appreciation  of the performance of workers and wages.

Keywords : job demands,workplace well-being, shift workers

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