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Hubungan Antara Keterlibatan Konsumen Dengan Kesadaran Merek Produk Shampo X Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Harlina Nurtjahjanti


A  brand  should  be  inherent  in  the  mind  of  the  consumer  when consumers  make decision to buy a product. It is related to brand awareness which belonged to the consumer. Brand awareness is the ability of buyers to know  a  brand  in  quite  detail  in  a  specific  category  so  it  easy  to  buy.  This research  aims to  determine  the  relationship  between  consumer  engagement and brand awareness of product shampoo x. The  subject  of  this  study  was  40  students  from  the  faculty  of Psychology  Diponegoro  University  Semarang  is  obtained  by  using  the technique  of  cluster  sampling.  Technique  of  data  collection  used  brand awareness scale and the scale of  consumer involvement. The  data  obtained  on  the  analysis  of  simple  regression  shows  a coefficient of correlation rxy = 0634 and p = 0.000 (p < 0.01). The results of analysis demonstrate that there  is a positive relationship  between  consumer engagement  with  brand  awareness  of  product  shampoo  x.    Consumer involvement  contributes  effectively  40.2%  on  brand  awareness  of  product shampoo x and the rest of 59.8% is determined by other factors.

Keyword  :  brand awareness, consumer engagement , product shampoo x

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