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Pengaruh Stimulasi Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Pada Anak Disleksia

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Fajar Kawuryan, dan Trubus Raharjo


This study aimed to investigate the influence of visual stimulation on the  ability  of  dyslexic  children  to  read  in  elementary  school.  The  research was conducted in SD 2  and SD 3  rotten Holy  Bae District. The sample in this  study  were  students  in  the  category  of  children  as  dyslexic  children (reading  disorder).  The  sample  in  this  study  amounted  to  21  students.  This research  uses  experimental  research  by  providing  treatment  to  students through visual stimulation using a one group pre test-post test design. Data processing results show t1.2 different coefficient of 3.141 with a p = 0.005 (p <0.05).  It is also indicated by the  mean difference in both the average  post-test  data  reading  skills  of  elementary  students  are  dyslexic 170.910 mean higher than pre test data reading  skills of elementary school students  are  dyslexic  of  90.173.  These  results  indicate  that  there  is  a significant  difference  between  pre  test  and  post  test  of  students'  reading ability  of  dyslexic  SD  before  and  after  treatment  with  visual  stimulation. Based  on  the  results  of  data  analysis  showed  no  differences  in  reading ability  before  and  after  visual  stimulation  treatment  in  children  with dyslexia,  in  which  the  reading  skills  of  elementary  school  students  that dyslexia is given higher after treatment than before treatment is given.

Keywords : Reading Ability, Visual Stimulation, Dyslexia

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