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Peran Wanita Dalam Dunia Perdagangan

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Th. Dewi Setyorini


Woman’s  role  in  trade  world  has  been  recorded  for  ages  in  the  past. Their  existence  in  traditional  markets  is  a  phenomenon  which  cannot  be ignored  and  has  an  important  role  in  the  national  economic  growth.  The involvement of woman in trade world cannot surely be separated from their background of values because trade world demands a specific characteristic. Entrepreneurship  attitude  is  a  characteristic  which  becomes  an important  factor  because  this  attitude  involves  personalities  supporting  the entrepreneurship.  The  existence  of  the  attitude  cannot  be  apart  from  the understanding  of  woman’s role  in  society  because  in  cultural  context, their role  is  limited  to  the  domestic  area.  In  this  case  attitude  towards  the traditional  and  non  traditional  role  is  one  factor  which  is  influential  to  the existence of entrepreneur attitude.

Keywords:  entrepreneurship attitude, traditional and non-traditional role

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