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Motivasi Merokok Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Ria Irwina Savitri, Annisa Wulandhani, Fatmawati Indah P, Mia Sarinastiti dan Riezqy Rachmadana


Nowadays,  smoking  habit  has  been  commonly  done  everywhere  in Indonesia,  either  by  men  or  women  including  in  Psychology  Faculty  of Universitas Indonesia. There are quite many students in Psychology Faculty of  Universitas  Indonesia  who  smoke.  In  fact,  the  dangerous  impacts  of smoking have been clearly stated in cigarette packs. The  research  aims  to  find  out  a  description  of  motivations  and  the encouraging factors of smoking.The subjects of the research are 40 students of Psychology faculty of Universitas Indonesia who are active smokers. The number of the subjects is not based on the age because the research uses an accidental sampling.  The  research  finds  that  a  self-actualization  motivation  is  the  highest motivation  of  smoking  among  the  students  of  Psychology  faculty  of Universitas Indonesia. The second motivation is safety. The third motivation is  physiologic  motivation  and  the  forth  is  self  esteem,  while  the  lowest motivation of smoking is love and belongingness.

Keywords:  smoking motivation, five components of Maslow’s hierarchy

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