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Stres Kerja Karyawan Ditinjau Dari Persepsi Terhadap Lingkungan Kerja Dan Tipe Kepribadian Pada Karyawan PT. Pura Kudus

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Yurida Ariyani dan Agustin Handayani


This  research  aims  to  test  empirically  the  relationship  between perceptions of work environment with work stress on employees and also to test  empirically  the  differences  in  job  stress  among  employees  with personality type A and type B employee with personality. The sample in this study were employees of the  Pura Group Kudus with the characteristics of permanent employees, a  maximum of 50  years old and  have at  least 1  year working period.  Analysis  of  data  using  correlation  techniques  product  moment obtained rxy = -0.422, F = 19.262, p = 0.000 (p <0.01). The results showed no  significant  negative  relationship  between  perceptions  of  work environment with job stress. The results of hypothesis II obtained t = 3.473 with  p  =  0.001  (p  <0.01).  These  results  indicate  that  there  are  very significant differences  in  job stress among employees with personality type A and type B employee with personality.

Keywords:  job stress, perceptions of work environment, personality type

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