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Hubungan Antara Orientasi Pasar Dengan Intrapreneurship Pada Guru

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Kamis, 25 April 2013

Jimmy Ellya Kurniawan


The best way to increase the school's competitiveness is improving intrapreneurship, especially for teachers. Intrapreneurship defined as an innovative, risk taking and proactive effort  by organization members to increase their organizational competitiveness. Intrapreneurship dimensions include innovation, risk taking and proactive. Intrapreneurship can be maintained and improved by developing a market orientation culture in the school. Market orientation is the part of the organizational culture that gives priority to profits and to providing good value to customers, whilst at the same time supporting the interests and further development of the organization. Market orientation dimensions include customer orientation dimension, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination. This study was held in a private school in Sidoarjo, East Java with 27 teachers who returned their questionnaire. The result shows that there’s a relationship between market orientation and teacher’s intrapreneurship (r = 0.401, p < 0.05). The effective contribution of market orientation to intrapreneurship is 16.1%.

Keywords: intrapreneurship, market orientation, school, teacher

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