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Hubungan Antara Keterlibatan Ayah Dan Respek Pada Anak Usia 10-12 Tahun

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Anisa Kuswandari Banuwa dan Eva Septiana


Character  Building  has  recently  become  a  long  term  solution  in overcoming  criminalities  commited  by  children.  Character  develops  from the moral values owned by someone. Among  various characters,  respect  is the  main  and  basic  character.  Respect  can  be  implanted  through  the upbringing either in family, education at school, or socialization which later can  be  seen  from  the  habit  in  attitude.  Parent  is the  main  and  first  agent  in building  children’s  character.  Nowadays,  women  especially  mothers  have been  entering  world  fields.  It  results  in  a  fact  that  mothers  cannot  do  their duty to bring up their children. The warmness and upbringing of a father has been proven to have positive correlation with a high score in a measurement of internal moral evaluation, moral values and the obedience to rules. The  research  which  aims  to  know  the  relationship  between  father’s involvement  and respect   of  children  of  10-12  age  is  a  qualitative  research with a  non experimental research design. The  instrument for  measuring the respect   and  father’s  involvement  is  distributed  to  198  participants,  99 children  of  10-12  age  and  99  fathers  of  theirs.  By  using  technique  of multiple  correlation,  it  is  found  that the  correlational  coefficient  of  father’s involvement’s score and respect’s  score is 0.218. Therefore, it is concluded that  there  is  a  significant  correlation  between  father’s  involvement  and respect to children of 10-12 age.
Keywords:  father’s involvement, respect, children of 10-12 age

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