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Penyusunan Penilaian Prestasi Kerja Berbasis Kompetensi Di Unit Produksi

By Psikologi Universitas Muria Kudus - Selasa, 23 April 2013

Ria Oktaviani


Performance  Appraisal  is  the  important  thing  for  company’s    human resources  development  cause  the  Performance  Appraisal  can  make  both company and employee aware and know the progress or lack of their self. This thesis is discussing about Performance Appraisal in PT. Ardijaya Karya,  currently  the  Performance  Appraisal  was  felt  not  objective  by employees, there  is no openess in the process, no feed back and seems like no longer  acceptable to support company development. Therefore  to  increase  objectivity  and  reach  the  goal  of  Performance Apparaisal  then  designed  Performance  Appraisal  with  Competency  Based and have tried to applicated in Production Unit PT. Ardijaya Karya. The research is qualitatif research  which collecting data methode with  direct interview, the result show that relevancy aspect, sensitivity, reliability and  acceptance  Performance  Appraisal  with  Competency  Based  is  better that current performance appraisal. 

Keywords :  performance appraissal, competency

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